Farming Full Time
Updated Jan 27, 2025
- 1 to 5 acres 6 to 10 acres More than 10 acres
Looking For the Following
Desired Locations
We are looking for a partnership with someone with land or to work someones land for them. We want to continue raising our chickens as well as other livestock in the future. We also want to continue market gardening heirloom vegetables, medicinal herbs, flowers, and more. We would like to continue to farm regeneratively and even are interested in expanding into biodyanmics.
Desired Transitional Agreement
Description of Desired Transitional Agreement
We are ideally looking for somewhere that has living quarters on the land. We would love to work with someone in starting a business, or alongside. We are not looking to buy and are willing to discuss lease agreements.
Type of Current Production on Farm
Produce / Land Cover
Additional Information on Produce or Livestock Needs
Would love to expand in livestock. We are processing two pigs at the end of the month and would like to continue to work with pigs. We have a flock of 50 chickens we would like to bring, and would be interested in more ruminants in the future.
Preferred Equipment and Infrastructure
Equipment and Infrastructure Details
Greenhouse, we have walk behind tiller and hand tools. We have a coup for our chickens as well.
Qualifications and Goals
Preferred Farming Status
Full Time
Farming Experience
1 to 5 years
Farm Education/Training
Additional Info on Experience/Education
Lilly has been farming the past five years at a variety of farms, and Charlie has the past three. Lilly also has experience in native plant conservation and Charlie is an aspiring musician! In this last year we have been working on Charlie's parents land starting a market garden from scratch. We are eager to leave McDonough and start somewhere else.